| Duration: 434 minutes

John Hanke, CEO of the company that created Pokémon Go, talks talked about the importance of design intent and leveraging their incredibly large user base for social projects. We also caught up with Dallas natives Jeff Corkran, VP Experience Strategy at Eecosphere and Willis Winters, head of the Dallas Parks & Recreation department.

Interview highlights include: - Using incentives to drive user-behavior - The 4-year-in-the-making story behind Pokémon Go - Designing with intent to mobilize user bases to  - How environments are affected by design - The power of designers to enact environmental change - Using universal design to make the most user-friendly parks possible - The reason why we should invest more in our parks systems

This interview is produced by ProjectUX, the UX show for startups! User Experience experts help startups improve their products through an in-depth UX audit and a round of usability testing, featured on the sister show UX Lab which will debut in Summer 2018!

Hosted by Brandon Ward, we review elements such as information architecture, accessibility, usability, and visual design with the mission of helping startups build better products.

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Follow us on twitter! ProjectUX: http://twitter.com/projectuxtv John Hanke: http://twitter.com/projectuxtv Jeff Corkran: http://twitter.com/projectuxtv Rob Andrews: http://twitter.com/digitalrobert